Valentina Rutigliano

Valentina Rutigliano

Finance Ph.D. candidate

Sauder School of Business


I am a Ph.D. candidate in Finance at the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business.

My research interests include corporate finance, entrepreneurship, and labor economics. Currently, I research the effect of corporate ownership structure on workers and the determinants of entrepreneurial entry and success. I am especially interested in understanding what causes the persistent gender gap in entrepreneurship.

You can find my CV here.


Address: HA884D, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2


Working Papers

Entrepreneurs' Diversification and Labor Income Risk

with Jan Bena, Andrew Ellul, and Marco Pagano


Entrepreneurs with better diversified portfolios provide more insurance to employees against labor income risk: in a sample of over 524,000 Canadian firms and 858,000 owners, firms owned by more diversified entrepreneurs offer more stable jobs and earnings to employees when faced by idiosyncratic shocks. A one standard deviation increase in owner’s diversification reduces the shock’s pass-through rate to labor layoffs by 13% and to workers’ earnings by 41%. The data are consistent with such insurance being partly provided to retain valuable human capital and partly to avoid costly terminations. There is no evidence of insurance being priced in average wages.

Work in Progress

The Entrepreneurship Gap


Sep 2021 – Present
  • COMM 371 Investment Theory (B.Com.), 2021
Teaching Assistant
Jan 2018 – Present
  • BAFI 502 Corporate Finance (MBA), 2019-2023
  • COEC 371 Investment Theory (B.Com.), 2022
  • BAFI 500 Introductory Finance (MBA), 2018-2020
  • COMM 486Q Advanced Corporate Finance (B.Com.), 2018-2020
  • COMM 371 Investment Theory (B.Com.), 2018-2019